Why Narconon Gets Attacked
A report of his own personal observations
by Kenneth Eckersley, FCMI, FIOD, HonMPHMA(Int), HSDC, MABFDFE (Brussels)
Chairman of the Board of Narconon Sussex, Former Magistrate & Retired Justice of the Peace
Following on from the question: “What exactly is Narconon?”, I regularly find the above headline to be the second question which most often crops up once a person hears a little of the effectiveness of NARCONON®. So here is a brief introduction to what I have personally learned about ‘why’
When Hubbard, as a result of his advanced knowledge of the workings of the mind, had earlier in 1966 been able to develop a highly successful means of training addicts to withdraw and recover themselves from drug usage, this not only upset psychiatric leaders, but also attracted the hostile attention of those sectors of the pharmaceutical industry who believe that the future expansion and profitability of their business depend on having as many people as possible committed to a regular intake of drugs of one form or another.
In other words certain companies basically want to see increasing numbers of individuals develop a prescription or other drug-taking habit, which of course sooner or later becomes a daily addiction, and Hubbard’s work in developing Narconon (a truly effective means of undoing the habituating work of the pharmaceutical marketing departments) started to bring attacks on Narconon and on Mr Hubbard from this second and even more powerful vested interest group.
It was therefore not surprising that psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry, finding themselves in the same opposition camp should join forces to further discredit and vilify Ron Hubbard and his works – especially his development of Narconon, which was starting to provide cures to valuable drug using addicts - thus taking away profitable pharmaceutical drug consumers of methadone, buprenorphine (Subutex) and disulfiram, etc.
Multi-billion dollar profit making schemes for marketing addictive drugs such as “methadone maintenance” for drug addicts, “benzodiazepine prescribing” for the worried elderly and the “ADHD Ritalin prescription programme” for schoolchildren, are all paid for by the taxpayer simply because the psycho-pharms are fully aware that drug consumers themselves cannot or will not pay.
None of these ‘interventions’ cure anything, but merely create a consumer for life of legal prescription drugs, which are sold in bulk to government.
As a result one of the last remaining major bulwarks against the flood of street drugs, false psychiatric diagnoses and mind altering prescription drugs is Narconon, which, although constantly attacked, continues to expand its protection of the society with its brilliant addiction recovery training procedures, plus its valued drug prevention guidance and training.
This is WHY Narconon is attacked - simply because its effective protection of our societies is spoiling the odious power and money orientated games of some of the world’s biggest profit-making operations.
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