Wednesday, April 26, 2006

"65% of students Here Are on Drugs"

  • According to a recent government survey, 54% of high school seniors have experimented with illegal drugs. Add to this the fact that 87% of high school seniors have used alcohol, and you can see we have a big problem. Despite the fact that the legal drinking age in most areas is 21, approximately 2/3 of teenagers who drink report that they can buy their own alcoholic beverages. Let's face it, if a kid wants to drink, they will find a way. I'm sure you can recall a time when you really wanted something and figured out a way to get it. So we have to ask ourselves these questions: What creates the "want"? Why do so many kids want to drink and do drugs? and What is the solution to this? Before answering these questions, let's look at the Drug Policy Alliance (a non-profit group) and their attitude about the drinking problem:"Critical to reducing harm is reality-based drug education. In theory teenagers aren't allowed to drink alcohol, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be taught to always use designated drivers when attending parties where alcohol is consumed. Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies that reduce negative consequences of drug use, incorporating a spectrum of strategies from safer use, to managed use to abstinence. Harm reduction strategies meet drug users 'where they're at,' addressing conditions of use along with the use itself." - Drug Policy AllianceHuh?!! This goes along the same lines alcohol companies follow, which is to "Drink Responsibly". In other words, if we agree with the Drug Policy Alliance we admit that there is no solution; and if so, let's at least teach them to drink "safely." What kind of message does that send to our youth? The WRONG one! Here is the truth. Any "want" is Created by something or someone. In the case of alcohol and other drugs, advertising creates the "want". It's all about marketing. Big money is involved in those industries and they can afford some of the brightest marketing minds money can buy. So what is the solution for the drug (including alcohol) problem? Cut the "want". How do we do that? Education in the TRUTH about drugs! Our research shows that over 50% of youth will change their mindS about drugs as result of a Drug Education talk. In light of that, the drug problem could be handled rather rapidly. If we could reach all our schools with our video presentations, and properly educate students about drugs, we would see a dramatic change. What are the effects created by our drug education videos?Here is some recent feedback from a class of 10th graders:"It changed my mind... made me realize how cautious I should be, and that they might be fun now but they will just make your future worse." "The video showed me how harmful drugs really are." "I learned that drugs stay in your system for years and years." And this is what they say to our sponsors: "Thank you very much for caring about our students enough to donate something that will help us." "Thank you. I know that there is at least 65% of students here on drugs so we needed this.""Thank you and I hope that every school gets a chance to watch this movie."To do that, we need your help. We must use this window of opportunity to reach our kids before it is too late. You can help just call us at 800-419-HELP


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