The Steps of Drug Intervention
1. Stop all “rescue missions.” Family members often try to protect an abuser from the results of their behaviour by making excuses to others about their abuse problem and by getting them out of drug-related jams. It is important to stop all such rescue attempts immediately, so that the addict will fully experience the harmful effects of his use and thereby become more motivated to stop.
2. Don’t enable them. Sometimes family members feel sorry for the addict or tend to avoid the abuser; let them come and go as they please. This comes across to the abuser as a reward—after all, all he wants is to be left alone. Be careful not to reward by paying his bills, bailing him out of jail, letting him stay for free, etc. This kind of reward creates out of exchange and criminal behaviour.
3. Time your drug abuse intervention. If possible, plan to talk with the addict when he is straight. After a binge and before the next if possible, choose a time when all of you are in a calm frame of mind and when you can speak privately.
4. Be specific. Tell the family member that you are concerned about his drug or alcohol abuse and want to be supportive in getting help. Back up your concern with examples of the ways in which their drug abuse has caused problems for you, including any recent incidents. Many addicts believe they are hurting no one but themselves.
5. State the consequences. Tell the family member that until he gets help, you will carry out consequences—not to punish the drug abuser, but to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the abuse. These may range from refusing to be with the person when they are under the influence, to ending all financial help including having them move out of the house. DO NOT make any threats you are not prepared to carry out. The basic intention is to make the abuser’s life more uncomfortable if he continues using drugs than it would be for him to get help. It is alright to keep loving them but you MUST stop loving them to death !
6. Find strength in numbers with the help of family members, relatives and friends to confront the abuser as a group. However, you want to choose one person to be the initial spokesperson, then take turns It will be much more effective for the others to simply be there nodding their heads, than it would be for everyone to talk at once and “gang up on him.” Remember the idea is to make it safe for him to come clean and seek help. Each family member takes a turn asking at the end "will you go to treatment today ? "
7. Listen. If during your drug abuse intervention the abuser begins asking questions like; Where would I have to go? For how long? This is a sign that he is reaching for help. Do not directly answer these questions. Let the interventionist handle these questions . Support him. Don’t wait. Once you’ve gotten his agreement, the interventionist will accompany him immediately to the program you have choosen,therefore, you should have a bag packed for him, any travel arrangements made, and prior acceptance into a Drug Rehab program.
For an Intervention profesional in your area call 800-419-HELP
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