Saturday, May 20, 2006

Talk To Your Kids !

Talk to Your Kids about Drug and Alcohol AbuseWe want to remind parents that they're never too young to prevent the downward spiral of addictionWorking in the drug addiction treatment and prevention field for the last few decades, professionals with the Drug Rehabilitation and Education Program have heard or seen just about everything imaginable when it comes to drug abuse and the related lifestyle. From hideous crimes that strip people of their dignity and families of loved ones, to stories of personal loss beyond the level of comprehension for most people.After a while you learn to not be shocked anymore while maintaining your ability to be empathetic. The intent certainly is not to become calloused, but to be a stable positive influence on those you're trying to help regain their personal integrity and responsibility to lead a healthy and productive life that contributes to society once again.If there is a particular scenario that's the most difficult to deal with, it is when young kids are exposed to drugs. There are countless stories of children being hurt because of their parents' or siblings' drug use, from leading a life of poverty or a broken home to exposure to the hazardous chemicals used to manufacture methamphetamine. It was only last year that two sixth grade students in Louisiana were arrested for possession of marijuana and six other students were involved in some way or another. There was also two sisters in elementary school in Oklahoma that were caught bringing drugs to classmates, acting as runners for their older brothers, and admitted to smoking marijuana at home on a regular basis. In the same town a third grade girl brought a Narconon Arrowhead drug prevention specialist a picture that she drew of a pipe and other drug paraphernalia. When asked where she saw these items she replied with great fear in her eyes, "at home." For a moment there was loss for words. Third grade. It is absolutely heartbreaking.Education and prevention efforts must start at earlier ages, and must start at home. Our children need to know everything about drugs and the damage they cause and this can be done without building their curiosity or using scare tactics. Simple communication with the truth is what works.Our civilization is plagued with drugs, from mind-altering, painkilling or amphetamine prescription drugs, to illicit street drugs that were once considered safe as well. The legal drug industry markets to our children well before most of us are aware of it with cute commercials and symbols of health, regardless of what the side-effects might be. We must counter these efforts and those of the illegal drug pushers with the truth.We work with kids, parents, ministers, counselors, teachers and anyone else in an effort to keep our kids off of drugs. While the program includes 120 very successful rehabilitation centers throughout the world , the professionals there would much rather not have to see those kids in the future going through treatment.We remind you that summertime can be adventurous for kids while they're out of school and is also a time when many kids become exposed to drugs for the first time. Take the time to speak to your kids about drug and alcohol abuse, and let's make a better society for all.For more information or help, contact Drug Rehab That Works today at 1-800-419-Help or visit Free downloadable drug information is also available . Act now before it's too late.


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