Monday, May 29, 2006

Why Narconon Gets Attacked


A report of his own personal observations
by Kenneth Eckersley, FCMI, FIOD, HonMPHMA(Int), HSDC, MABFDFE (Brussels)
Chairman of the Board of Narconon Sussex, Former Magistrate & Retired Justice of the Peace

Following on from the question: “What exactly is Narconon?”, I regularly find the above headline to be the second question which most often crops up once a person hears a little of the effectiveness of NARCONON®. So here is a brief introduction to what I have personally learned about ‘why’

When Hubbard, as a result of his advanced knowledge of the workings of the mind, had earlier in 1966 been able to develop a highly successful means of training addicts to withdraw and recover themselves from drug usage, this not only upset psychiatric leaders, but also attracted the hostile attention of those sectors of the pharmaceutical industry who believe that the future expansion and profitability of their business depend on having as many people as possible committed to a regular intake of drugs of one form or another.

In other words certain companies basically want to see increasing numbers of individuals develop a prescription or other drug-taking habit, which of course sooner or later becomes a daily addiction, and Hubbard’s work in developing Narconon (a truly effective means of undoing the habituating work of the pharmaceutical marketing departments) started to bring attacks on Narconon and on Mr Hubbard from this second and even more powerful vested interest group.

It was therefore not surprising that psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry, finding themselves in the same opposition camp should join forces to further discredit and vilify Ron Hubbard and his works – especially his development of Narconon, which was starting to provide cures to valuable drug using addicts - thus taking away profitable pharmaceutical drug consumers of methadone, buprenorphine (Subutex) and disulfiram, etc.

Multi-billion dollar profit making schemes for marketing addictive drugs such as “methadone maintenance” for drug addicts, “benzodiazepine prescribing” for the worried elderly and the “ADHD Ritalin prescription programme” for schoolchildren, are all paid for by the taxpayer simply because the psycho-pharms are fully aware that drug consumers themselves cannot or will not pay.

None of these ‘interventions’ cure anything, but merely create a consumer for life of legal prescription drugs, which are sold in bulk to government.

As a result one of the last remaining major bulwarks against the flood of street drugs, false psychiatric diagnoses and mind altering prescription drugs is Narconon, which, although constantly attacked, continues to expand its protection of the society with its brilliant addiction recovery training procedures, plus its valued drug prevention guidance and training.

This is WHY Narconon is attacked - simply because its effective protection of our societies is spoiling the odious power and money orientated games of some of the world’s biggest profit-making operations.

Monday, May 22, 2006

The Most Effective Treatment Method

Drug Rehab That Works refers to the pioneering programs of "manuelized treatment". The treatment method consists of 8 phases of treatment that when combined achieve full physical detoxification, self-realized root causes of the individual's addiction and a reformed ability to identify and solve problems and change unwanted conditions for the better his/her life. This unique program addresses as well the three main causes of relapse after treatment: physical cravings, lingering depression and/or guilt from past misconduct connected to drug or alcohol addiction.Book 1 Therapeutic Training Routines - Most drug and alcohol dependent people tend to withdraw from family, friends and loved ones. They lose their ability to communicate and relate to people around them. Addicts tend to think and focus their attention inward on problems, discomforts or self perceived emotional disabilities. Drying a person out alone doesn't correct this situation for the users. In fact, once individuals are taken off the drugs or alcohol they can find it even harder to relate and communicate with people in their environment than when they were using. The first step to successful recovery must include a method to extrovert the addict's attention from their past drug or alcohol related problems and teach them to be comfortable in their present treatment surroundings while at the same time improving their communication skills. The Therapeutic Training Routines are a series of communication and exercises and drills that are done in a classroom setting. In this book, addicts learn a series of communication exercises that are drilled with another person in recovery and supervised by a trained counselor. These exercises and drills are done until each individual has accomplished a renewed ability to face and comfortably communicate with another person with eye to eye to contact. Additionally, these drills begin to help the addict exercise his ability to control his attention span and focus on the here and now rather then wandering back through drug or alcohol related memories, problems or misdeeds. Book 2 The New Life Detoxification Program – The first major barrier that one encounters when starting the rehabilitation process is the physical and mental cravings for drugs and alcohol that can overwhelm and completely distract the individual in recovery from the treatment process. Physical and mental cravings for drugs and alcohol are the most common cause for people in recovery leaving treatment before they have completed it.There is a biophysical condition that triggers cravings that can reoccur repeatedly long after a person withdraws and dries out from drugs or alcohol. Any toxin that is ingested in the body undergoes a digestive and filtration process that will eliminate most of the toxic substance but not all of it. That portion of the toxin that remains in the system is converted into a protein based molecule called a metabolite. Once the body has converted drugs or alcohol to these protein based molecules some of these molecules will exit the body through sweat and urine however, a portion of these metabolites will remain in the body and attach themselves to fatty cells. Fatty cells are also comprised of protein molecules and so are compatible with the drug or alcohol metabolites. This is similar to placing a large drop of oil into a bottle of water. The two elements separate, they won't mix together. If you shake that bottle of oil and water, the oil will break up into many smaller drops of oil that spread throughout the entire bottle of water. If you slowly pour ½ the contents of the bottle out you have water with small drops of oil leaving the mouth of the bottle while the smaller oil drops that remain in the water in the bottle will begin to connect together. Eventually all the remaining oil drops left in the bottle will rejoin as one element and separate from the water again. Much the same thing happens in the body during the elimination process of drugs or alcohol that a person has ingested. Some of the metabolites leave the body through sweat and urine and some of the metabolites join to the fatty cells of the body and remain physically there. Metabolites are like finger prints in that each metabolite contains a minute amount of the original toxin that the body digested and filtered through the liver and kidneys. A cocaine metabolite has a traceable amount of cocaine in it. A heroin metabolite has a traceable amount of heroin in it, and an alcohol metabolite has a traceable amount of alcohol in it. Each is different and identifiable from the other. It is the drug metabolites that are exiting the body through the urine that are identified when a drug screen is performed that can provide a read out on what types of drugs an individual has taken. The drug metabolites that remain in the body act as a physical level reminder of drugs or alcohol taken in the past that can also stimulate memories or feelings related to past drug or alcohol use. This is the origin and physical mechanics of drug and alcohol cravings.The New Life Detoxification Program addresses this physical aspect of addiction. The program consists of a combination of light aerobic exercise, sweating in a dry heat sauna and a specific vitamin regimen. A full physical and medical OK to do the program by a licensed M.D. is required before a person can begin this portion of the program. the individual will undergo 20 to 30 minutes of light aerobic exercise (usually jogging or fast walk outside or on a tread mill) ,15 to 20 minute intervals of time sweating in a dry heat sauna with rest breaks in between sweating periods. Concurrent with the exercise and sweating a specific regimen of vitamins are taken which include cold-press polyunsaturated natural oil, which help free the drug metabolites from the fatty cells. The New Life Detoxification program is designed to assist the addict's body in breaking down and eliminating the stored drug and alcohol metabolites. The daily program runs for about 5 hours a day and can take from between 2 to 6 weeks to complete the entire process. The program length differs from individual to individual. Body weight, extent of drug taking history and medical history influence the length of this program and will program length will vary from person to person. Once the physical cravings for drugs or alcohol have been addressed through this process the individual is ready to proceed with the next step of the program. Drug and alcohol usage tend to make one mentally dull and impair a persons ability to read, study and comprehend information. Therefore the next step of treatment is to rehabilitate the addict's ability to comprehend and apply information they are studying.Book 3 – Learning Improvement Course - This is a course delivered in a class room setting with a trained Supervisor. This Course gives the student the ability to acquire and retain knowledge by recognizing and overcoming the barriers to study and comprehension. These study principals are tools that they can use for the rest of their lives when studying any subject and are used by the person through the remainder of the program.Book 4 – Communication and Perception Course - Drug and alcohol abuse affects an individual's ability to focus on goals and objectives long enough to accomplish them. Addiction also greatly impairs the ability to communicate effectively and to use communication as a tool to identify and solve problems in their environment. Without focus and the ability to relate to environment addicts lose their self control. This then is followed by a lowering of self esteem and a lethargic state of mind. As a result, they tend to live in the past and to some degree disconnect mentally from the present.The Communication and Perception Course consists of two segments. The first is another series of communication exercises and drills that further improves a person's ability to confront tough situations and increase their understanding of, and ability to communicate. The individual learns to use communication to help and counsel another in this segment. Once the individual has accomplished this ability, he then co-counsels with another addict and guides him/her a series of exercises. These exercises increase a person's awareness of his/her present-time surroundings while at the same time increases self control and focus. The end result of these exercises is and increased ability to set goals and a renewed which increases the recipient of these exercises ability to set and achieve goals.Both sections of the Communication and Perception Course are done in a course room setting under the direct supervision of a staff member trained in these procedures. The supervisor oversees the delivery of the exercises and is there to correct as needed each counseling session so the processes are properly completed. In addition to helping the individual regain and build their focus, self control and ability to set and achieve goals, their responsibility level is also improved through the co-counseling that occurs in this phase of the program. By co-counseling the exercises in this section of the program addicts in recovery are helping each other improve their lives as they are working on improving their own. Addicts are generally self-centered and focused primarily on themselves ignoring others in their life. Helping another addict to begin to regain control of his/her life over addiction begins to break this pattern of behavior and install a higher level of responsibility in the individual. With a heightened awareness of the person's present time environment and life, a renewed ability to remain focused long enough to start and complete cycles of action and an increased level of personal responsibility, the addict in treatment is now able to clearly and rationally look into their life and begin to identify the positive and negative influences and relationships that exist there. They then move on to the Ups and Downs in Life Course.Book 5 Ups and Downs in Life Course – Part of the life style that develops during the addiction process is the tendency on the part of the addict to develop some anti-social behavior. These individuals are in most cases basically good to start with. Because of the misconduct associated with drug and alcohol addiction, however, they begin to develop negative attitudes towards people they know and love and to some degree become aggressive towards the authority figures in their lives. As these negative attitudes develop addicts will pull away from the "good honest people in their lives. They begin instead to associate with negative people who are usually those in favor of, or in agreement with, the life style of drug or alcohol addiction. Once addicts sober up and begin to get back in touch with reality, it is important that they be able to identify social and anti-social characteristics in people and be able to differentiate from people who will support their sobriety and people who want to drag them back into the life of addiction. The Ups and Downs in Life Course is a life skills training course that is delivered in a class room situation by a person trained in the Narconon technology that teaches an individual how to identify social and anti-social human characteristics in people. Once they learn these characteristics, they will have a workable system to identify and develop positive relationships with people who will be supportive to their continued recovery and know what type of people and relationships will jeprodize their sobriety and quality of life.Book 6 Personal Values and Integrity Course – Unethical behavior and repeated misconduct go part and parcel with an addicted life style. Addicts become trapped in committing transgressions against people in their lives and against society at large. They get into the vicious circle of committing transgressions in an attempt to hide or continue their drug or alcohol use. This then puts them in situations where further transgressions are committed in an attempt to solve the problems that the earlier transgressions have created. As this cycle continues, these individuals begin to individuate from the people in their lives who love and care about them and may become antagonistic toward them. They hurt the people they love most and as a consequence they become ridden with guilt. This in turn makes them so uncomfortable they will use more drugs or drink in an attempt to cover up or medicate away these negative feelings.The Personal Values and Integrity Course is delivered in a classroom setting under the supervision of a person trained in this procedure. This course teaches addicts a system that will help them alleviate the guilt that is associated with their drug or alcohol related misconduct. In this course past misdeeds are inventoried one at time in a very specific manner. This procedure helps the addicts identify transgression when they occurred, where they happened, who was involved with them at the time and the harm which resulted because of the misdeed. Through this confessional procedure, addicts expereince a tremendous relief. They also become aware of the damage they are responsible for in their environment that they need to repair. This opens the door for the individual to be able to start the process of repairing these negative conditions. Once this process is completed, they individual's integrity is restored, along with the understanding that true happiness can only be achieved through living an ethical life style.Book 7 Changing Conditions in Life Course – As addicts confront their misdeeds and the damage these actions created in the various areas of their lives is realized, they are now ready to begin to repair relationships and situations that exist in their lives because of their addiction. This course is delivered in a course room setting and supervised by a person trained in the program technology. In this course the person is taught that there are separate compartments of one's life that together make up the whole of an individual's existence, (one's self, one's relationship with family, one's job, living in the material world, what one's personal belief spiritually etc.) This course also teaches individuals simple formulas that can be applied to any situation in life, if these formulas correctly followed will help the person preserve those things that are going well for him in life or repair those areas that are damaged. It is through this course that individuals develop their individual discharge plan of what actions need to be taken to ensure they can live a sober ethical life style.At this stage of treatment individuals going through the program have made significant progress towards repairing the mental and physical effects of addiction and have begun the process to repair the damage in their lives that addiction has created. They also have developed a plan of actions that they will need to follow to ensure a sober and responsible life style. They are now at a point where they have to evaluate and develop some stable rules of conduct for responsible living. The last book of Narconon's treatment series addresses this issue. It is called the Way to Happiness Course.Book 8 The Way To Happiness Course – This is the final in the rehabilitation program. The course is delivered in a class room setting and supervised by a person trained in the Narconon program technology. This course teaches individuals 21 precepts that cover a common sense moral code of conduct that when followed will help them become productive contributing members of society by living an ethical life style. At this point the entire Narconon rehabilitation line up is complete. There is a final review step which consists of counseling that helps each graduate of the program design their individual plan of action that addresses the situations that may still exist in the person's home environment. In addition goals are set in the areas of family, work, relationships and any other situations unique to the individual along with a specific plan of actions that will be taken to achieve these goals.When individuals complete the entire Narconon program they have a written plan of action of which a copy is kept on file at the Narconon center. Each graduate of the program is contacted after they are released and the progress on the individual plans are assessed. Additionally if a graduate runs into problems that are distracting them from their plan a staff member will help them to resolve this or to improve the plan so progress in accomplishing these set goals is achieved.

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Talk To Your Kids !

Talk to Your Kids about Drug and Alcohol AbuseWe want to remind parents that they're never too young to prevent the downward spiral of addictionWorking in the drug addiction treatment and prevention field for the last few decades, professionals with the Drug Rehabilitation and Education Program have heard or seen just about everything imaginable when it comes to drug abuse and the related lifestyle. From hideous crimes that strip people of their dignity and families of loved ones, to stories of personal loss beyond the level of comprehension for most people.After a while you learn to not be shocked anymore while maintaining your ability to be empathetic. The intent certainly is not to become calloused, but to be a stable positive influence on those you're trying to help regain their personal integrity and responsibility to lead a healthy and productive life that contributes to society once again.If there is a particular scenario that's the most difficult to deal with, it is when young kids are exposed to drugs. There are countless stories of children being hurt because of their parents' or siblings' drug use, from leading a life of poverty or a broken home to exposure to the hazardous chemicals used to manufacture methamphetamine. It was only last year that two sixth grade students in Louisiana were arrested for possession of marijuana and six other students were involved in some way or another. There was also two sisters in elementary school in Oklahoma that were caught bringing drugs to classmates, acting as runners for their older brothers, and admitted to smoking marijuana at home on a regular basis. In the same town a third grade girl brought a Narconon Arrowhead drug prevention specialist a picture that she drew of a pipe and other drug paraphernalia. When asked where she saw these items she replied with great fear in her eyes, "at home." For a moment there was loss for words. Third grade. It is absolutely heartbreaking.Education and prevention efforts must start at earlier ages, and must start at home. Our children need to know everything about drugs and the damage they cause and this can be done without building their curiosity or using scare tactics. Simple communication with the truth is what works.Our civilization is plagued with drugs, from mind-altering, painkilling or amphetamine prescription drugs, to illicit street drugs that were once considered safe as well. The legal drug industry markets to our children well before most of us are aware of it with cute commercials and symbols of health, regardless of what the side-effects might be. We must counter these efforts and those of the illegal drug pushers with the truth.We work with kids, parents, ministers, counselors, teachers and anyone else in an effort to keep our kids off of drugs. While the program includes 120 very successful rehabilitation centers throughout the world , the professionals there would much rather not have to see those kids in the future going through treatment.We remind you that summertime can be adventurous for kids while they're out of school and is also a time when many kids become exposed to drugs for the first time. Take the time to speak to your kids about drug and alcohol abuse, and let's make a better society for all.For more information or help, contact Drug Rehab That Works today at 1-800-419-Help or visit Free downloadable drug information is also available . Act now before it's too late.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Drugging Our Children

MEDICALIZATION: Convincing Healthy People They Are Sick This paper outlines the deliberate marketing of harmful drugs to children as a direct result of the drug industry take over of the American mental health system. My point of departure is Ivan Illich’s broader assertion that “The medical system has become a major threat to health.” (1976) Time has proven Illich to be a prophet: medicine is now the leading cause of death in America. (Null 2005) What is wrong in American medicine is also wrong in psychiatry. Pharma marketeers claim psychiatric drug treatment is a scientific miracle. However, the outcome evidence on psychiatric treatment shows otherwise: the recovery rate for treated schizophrenia has fallen from 70% in the mid-nineteenth century to 11% today, while the death rate for the “new” atypical antipsychotic drugs is double that of the older typical class. These outcomes contrast with 49-51% recovery Third World countries, like India and Nigeria, where these drugs are not used consistently. (Whitaker 2004) The suicide rate for treated schizophrenia in the UK has increased 20 fold since the introduction of antipsychotic drugs in 1954. (Healy et al 2006) Five times as many people are being defined as permanently mentally ill (disabled) today than before the introduction of drug treatment. (Whitaker 2005) Yet, inspite of these ominous facts, millions of American children are routinely being given these dangerous drugs.How did this happen?The drugging of American children is not accidental. It is a part of the larger problem of the premeditated medicalization of modern life discussed by Illich (1976), McKnight (1999) and others. However, the issue goes beyond the use of drugs: it is about freedom. The massive pharmaceutical corporations, which barely existed before World War II, are the most profitable legal businesses in human history. They have the money, the plan and the ruthless determination to medicalize our lives to sell us as many drugs as possible. They are a major threat to the basic human rights, as well as the health, of every person on the planet.By “medicalization” I mean Pharma is deliberately and systematically promoting ideas about illness and disease to explain everyday life. (Summerfield 2002) By blurring the boundaries between sickness and health, Pharma convinces healthy people they are sick (Moynihan & Cassels 2005), and that “lifestyle” drugs, like Viagra, are necessary to happiness as well as health. (Abramson 2004)Medicalization is an iatrogenic disaster of unbelievable proportions: it is inflicting harm on the lives of tens of millions of people. As our culture becomes a biomedical folktale we are being robbed of our traditional ways of managing illness and meeting death. And, in addition, the high cost of drugs threatens to bankrupt the American health care system, if not the entire American economy.Pharma has used its economic power to create an effective lobby, which controls U.S. public health policy as well as watchdog agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).More frightening still, as I will show, the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC) is a creation of pharmaceutical interests. Two of its central policy recommendations are bald-faced drug marketing schemes. The first targets 52 million American school children for mental health screening by a program known as “TeenScreen.” While the second irrevocably links the mental health treatment psychiatric drugs - - not coincidentally, the most expensive and dangerous psychiatric drugs - - using the pseudo-scientific Texas Medication Algorithmic Program or TMAP.Let’s begin with a look at the money trail of legal drugs and some Pharma history.“The US government contributes more money to the development of new drugs in the form of tax breaks and subsidies than any other government. Of the 20 largest pharmaceutical corporations, nine are based in the United States. Yet drugs are more expensive in the United States than in any other part of the world, and the global drug companies make the bulk of their profits in the United States.“The pharmaceutical and health products industry has spent more than $800 million in federal lobbying and campaign donations at the federal and state levels in the past seven years…No other industry has spent more money to sway public policy in that period…its combined political outlays and lobbying and campaign contributions is topped only by the insurance industry.” (Ismail 2005)Pharma’s huge profit margin has allowed it to buy control of the FDA.“Most of the industry’s political spending paid for federal lobbying. Medicine makers hired about 3,000 lobbyists, more than a third of them former federal officials, to advance their interests before the House, the Senate, the FDA, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other executive branch offices.” Yet, “The drug industry’s huge investments in Washington [are] meager compared to the profits they make [from]…a series of favorable laws on Capitol Hill and tens of billions of dollars in additional profits…They have also fended off measures aimed at containing prices, like allowing importation of medicines from countries that cap prescription drug prices, which would have dented their profit margins…In 2003 alone, the industry spent $116 million lobbying the government…Congress passed, and President George W. Bush signed, the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, which created a taxpayer-funded prescription drug benefit for senior citizens…[in] Medicare, the government program that provides health insurance to some 41 million people, the [drug] industry found a reliable purchaser for its products. Thanks to a provision in the law for which the industry lobbied, government programs like Medicare are barred from negotiating with companies for lower prices …Critics charge that the prescription drug benefit will transfer wealth from taxpayers, who provide the funding for Medicare, to pharmaceutical companies.” (Ismail 2005)Pharma’s influence saturates every aspect of our lives and culture with harm like DDT once saturated our physical environment. Here’s how it began.THORAZINE: The First Pill to Create Its Own IllDavid Healy (2002), the British psychiatrist and drug researcher, believes that the marketing of Thorazine in the US in 1954 created the modern drug era and ultimately gave us everything from Valium to Viagra. Smith-Kline-French (SKF, now Glaxo-Smith-Kline GSK) was a small, $50 million dollar pharmaceutical house, when it obtained the rights to market Thorazine. The drug was originally used as an anesthetic; however, it was introduced in the U.S. as an antinausea drug, which then made $75 million dollars (in 1954 dollars) as an antipsychotic in its first year on the market. Within five years it had elevated SKF to a $350 million dollar a year house. Thorazine taught the pharmaceutical industry how to market an ill for every new pill it discovers.I should add that Doctor Healy also sounded the alarm on the danger that Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor antidepressants (SSRI) posed for children. Read as, “Pharma is so powerful in the U.S. it prevented FDA action on SSRI’s, so warnings had to come from the outside.”GADSDEN’S GANG: Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun…Thirty years ago, when the late Henry Gadsden was CEO of Merck pharmaceuticals, he candidly told Fortune magazine how unhappy he was that his company’s potential markets were limited to sick people. He wanted Merck to be like “Wrigley’s, chewing gum,” so that “Merck would be able to ‘sell to everyone.’”(Moynihan & Cassels 2005) Gadsden’s dream did not die with him: although Americans make up only 5 percent of world population, they consume 50 percent of world pharmaceutical production. This kind of consumption isn’t a social accident. The gang Gadsden left behind made this happen through careful planning, hard work and the infusion of obscene amounts of cash. One must admire Pharma’s achievements, even while condemning the consequences they have brought down on us.Pharma marketing has not only convinced Americans their drugs are necessary, but that Americans have the best health care system available. But according to John Abramson, while we have the most expensive health care system it is far from the best. Although we spend twice as much on health per person than any other nation, our healthy life expectancy ranks twenty-second out of twenty-three industrialized countries, better only than the Czech Republic. Two-thirds of American medicine is beneficial. However, one-third is ineffective, unnecessary and even deadly, as well as expensive. This one-third of medicine adds $500 billion dollars annually to the cost of our health care, while shortening our lives and even killing us outright. And, shamefully, America is the only industrialized nation that does not offer universal health coverage to all its citizens, 43 million Americans do not have health insurance benefits. This leads Abramson to conclude, “Putting the pharmaceutical industry in charge of our health is like putting the fast food industry in charge of our diet.” (2004)MEDICINE AS MIRACLE: Modern AlchemyA recent Glaxo-Smith-Kline (GSK) TV drug ad proudly claimed, “Today’s medicines finance tomorrow’s miracles.” This five-word marketing slogan is a revealing self-portrait of the industry. In fact, drug sales finance three main activities: 1) drug research and medical research, 2) drug marketing and public relations, and 3) drug lobbying. These are Orwellian processes, not miracles, and they are larger, more complex and better coordinated than the invasion of Normandy. Allen Jones, who exposed the illegal influence that drug companies exerted on the state of Pennsylvania (and was fired for it), puts the matter this way:“This isn’t a David verses Goliath battle. There is no stone big enough to whack the pharmaceutical industry in the forehead and knock it over. These guys are operating in the shadows. They are operating in the dark. They are operating by buying off decision-makers in an illegal manner. There needs to be exposure of that. It’s like fighting vampires, not fighting giants…It’s an industry that is very organized and an industry that is ruthless. It is an industry with a long-term view and a long-term plan.” (Whitehead 2005)Similarly, Moynihan and Cassels say:The extent of the pharmaceutical industry’s influence over the health system is simply Orwellian. The doctors, the drug reps, the medical education, the ads, the patient groups, the guidelines, the celebrities, the conferences, the public awareness campaigns, the thought-leaders, and even the regulatory advisors - - at every level there is money from drug companies lubricating what many believe is an unhealthy flow of influence. Industry does not crudely buy influence with individuals and organizations - - rather its largesse is handed out to those considered to be most commercially helpful. The industry’s sponsorship is strategic, systematic, and systemic. It is designed primarily to engender the most favorable view of the latest and most expensive products. But it is also used to maximize the size of the markets for those products, by portraying conditions like [Irritable Bowel Syndrome] IBS as widespread, severe, and above all, treatable with drugs. And, who is supposed to be fearlessly regulating this mess? The public agencies who themselves rely on the very same industry for much of their funding. (2005:171-172)THE FINGER PRINTS OF PHARMA MARKETING STRATEGIESPharma’s marketing strategies leave unmistakable fingerprints. For a more complete discussion of these fingerprints see Moynihan and Cassels 2005. The Pharma “miracle” is an alchemy predicated on expanding the definition disease itself, while narrowing the treatment of any given disease to a specific drug or class of drugs. By using these simple strategies, Pharma can redefine a risk factor, like osteoporosis (the natural reduction in bone density that occurs with age) as a dreaded disease that affects millions of women. The transformation of a disease usually takes place under the cover of an “expert consensus process.” Pharma convenes a panel of “experts” under the banner of a prestigious university or organization. (Whitehead 2005) The experts reach a “consensus” about a particular disease or drug that favors the drug companies. The consensus then becomes the “standard of treatment” for the disease or drug in question. Moynihan & Cassels outline this process with osteoporosis. (2005) To put a favorable marketing spin on osteoporosis, Merck donated money to the World Health Organization (WHO) to “study” the “disease.” In return, WHO allowed Merck to hand-pick a panel of friendly experts, who then created the definition of osteoporosis Merck wanted. That is, the panel concluded that the bone density of a healthy 30-year-old woman should be the diagnostic standard. This means any woman with a bone density less than that of a healthy 30-year-old can be said to be have osteoporosis. By raising the diagnostic standard, Merck was able to increase the number of women who could be “diagnosed” with the treatable “disease” of osteoporosis. The panel’s consensus was written into the medical lore as a research project sponsored by WHO and is now the standard of practice for treating osteoporosis. Merck’s guiding hand is invisible to the casual observer. (Moynihan & Cassels 2005)But Merck did not stop there. In Western medicine there can be no treatment without diagnosis: a drug cannot be sold without a diagnosis to justify its use. In addition to expanding the definition of a disease, Merck also insured that the means to diagnose the millions of allegedly afflicted persons would also be available. Merck stacked the deck by promoting diagnostic procedures, which would lead to a dramatic increase in the number people actually diagnosed with a problem. For osteoporosis, x-rays are the means to determine bone density levels for individual diagnoses. Therefore, Merck subsidized the purchase of x-ray machines to conduct screening exams. Radiologists, who would benefit from a boom in business, were natural allies in promoting screening exams. (Moynihan & Cassels 2005, chapter 8)Two distinctive fingerprints of Pharma marketing are: 1) The ability to redefine a “disease” and 2) the ability to develop the means for “diagnosis” of the newly expanded disease. These provide the rationale for “treatment,” in this case, with a drug like Fosamax. Presto! With this alchemy Pharma can spin any disease/drug combination into a winner that insures billions of dollars in bottom line profits - - before the drug is even approved for sale!The problem is, of course, that to achieve this goal everyday human unhappiness must be deliberately and wrongly transformed into a medical problem, and unnecessary, ineffective and even harmful drugs must be promoted to treat the new problem.Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is another example. SAD was a rare problem prior to its treatment by drug marketeers, who spun it into a major disease affecting millions of people and treatable by SSRI’s. (Abramson 2004)As I will show in a moment, these drug marketing strategies have been put to use in creating the NFC itself and in shaping its recommendations for universal mental health screening and making drug algorithms the standard for psychiatric treatment. However, before going on I want to review the Vioxx disaster. Most Americans know very little about this tragedy - - or how close it came to involving American children.TARGETING CHILDREN: Anyone’s Child Will DoFollowing Gadsden’s logic of selling drugs to “everyone” ultimately means selling unnecessary or dangerous drugs and it means selling them for children as well as adults. The marketing of the painkiller Vioxx by Merck offers a recent example of this ruthlessness pursuit of profit. It also illustrates how ineffective the FDA has become in protecting us from harm as it is mandated to do.Nobody knows exactly how many people were killed and injured as a direct result of taking Vioxx as prescribed. However, the scale of human damage emerged in August 2004 through the research of FDA drug safety officer, Dr. David Graham. Graham estimated that Vioxx tripled the incidence of heart attack and stroke in high doses; and that it killed somewhere between 39,000 and 61,000 Americans. The lives of as many as 80,000 others were “forever changed” by nonfatal heart attacks and strokes. If Graham’s high estimates are correct, more American’s died from Vioxx than from combat in Vietnam. (Sherer 2005) Not surprisingly, Graham’s work was dismissed by his boss at the FDA, Dr. Steven K. Galson. In fact Galson told him to shut up and tried to discredit his work as junk science. Then, only two weeks after Graham made his report, the FDA approved Vioxx for use with children!!!! Let there be no mistake about this: American children were spared harm only because Merck “voluntarily” removed the drug from the market in September 2004, when its own research showed the drug doubled heart attack and stroke risk - - even in low doses. However, as I will show later, atypical antipsychotic drugs have doubled the death rate of the typical antipsychotics and have not been removed from the market - - in fact, they are widely used with children.Merck’s marketing slogan is, “Merck, where patients come first.” The fact that the company “voluntarily” removed the drug seems to support its commitment to the slogan. However, in 2005, wrongful death litigation uncovered evidence that Merck researchers and executives knew as early as 1997 - - two years before Vioxx went on the market - - that the drug increased the risk of heart attack and stroke. They actively hid the facts from the medical community and the American public. (Berenson 2005) For example, in the famous Vigor trial of Vioxx published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2000, Merck deleted data about three heart attacks among trial participants. (Pierson 2005)Merck removed Vioxx to protect itself from liability, not to protect the American public from heart attack and stroke, and then only after its strenuous efforts to suppress harmful data failed. Meanwhile, the FDA was protecting Merck’s marketing interests, not American consumers and their children. FDA officials demonstrated their willingness to put American children on the Vioxx chopping block, even after FDA officials knew how dangerous Vioxx was. Merck’s CEO for 11 years, Gilmartin, resigned in May 2005 as a result of this scandal.This kind of corporate and regulatory misconduct is criminal and demands prosecution, not just resignation. The Vioxx tragedy does not end with it being taken off the market in 2004. Unfortunately, it is a gift that keeps on giving: a clear pattern in the recent deaths of former Vioxx users shows the drug produces lingering and potentially fatal damage to the heart and circulatory system for at least one year after taking it. (KSKA 2006) Meanwhile, other dangerous drugs, such as the entire spectrum of psychiatric drugs, remain on the market. And new drugs are being developed. Will these be safe? How will we know if they are safe? The one thing we can be sure of is that all of us, including our children, remain in the drug marketeers cross hairs.THE NEW FREEDOM COMMISSION: Sacrificing American ChildrenRather than influencing an existing prestigious organization, like WHO, Pharma simply got the President of the United States to create a new, unimpeachable organization, to its exact specifications- - the President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC). Pharma fingerprints are all over the development of the NFC in the familiar strategies of 1) an expert panel 2) broadening the scope of disease, while 3) narrowing treatment to a few drugs and 4) subsidizing screening/diagnosis to identify potential customers. Mr. Bush created and named the NFC and named the panel of experts that sat on it. This means that Pharma has captured control of U S public mental health policy. This scam is one of the biggest hijacking of public tax dollars in history. Since individuals citizens are unable and insurance companies are unwilling to pay for high priced psychiatric drugs, Pharma arranged that Uncle Sam foot the bill with public money.The NFC recommendations I want to call your attention to are: 1) the universal mental health screening for all Americans, beginning with 52 million American school children, and 2) the use of the Texas Medication Algorithmic Program (TMAP) as the standard of treatment for mental illness.The school mental health screening is based on a program called “TeenScreen,” a computerized, self-administered psychological test. Once identified as mentally ill by the mental health screening, the children would be treated according to the algorithms of TMAP. TMAP is a pseudo-scientific list of the most expensive psychiatric drugs; its purpose is to insure that only the newest, most expensive drugs are used. Once TMAP is adopted by a state it becomes the standard of practice for treating mental illness in that state. Physicians must comply with that standard, which means they must prescribe the most expensive drugs on the market - - these drugs also happen to be the most dangerous and least effective on the market as well, as I will show in a moment.What a sweetheart deal for Pharma: using TeenScreen insures massive screening to create new customers, while TMAP locks in the most expensive drugs as the standard of “treatment.” What ever happened to the “Free Market” here?I will show that these NFC recommendations are being made despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence to support them. On the contrary, the evidence is against them: there is no known valid and reliable mental health screening test available at this time, psychiatric drugs are ineffective and harmful. Only the power and prestige of the US presidency sustains them.I find it disturbing (but not surprising) that this corrupt process is taking place in full public view, and is being presented as a scientifically based, cutting edge US Public Mental Health Policy. Furthermore, it is even more disturbing that both TMAP and the NFC were created under the stewardship of George W. Bush. He signed off on TMAP as governor of Texas, and on the NFC as President of the United States. He has been taken in by drug interests, which means he is stupid, or he is a knowing participant in this corrupt process. (Whitehead 2005) In either case, he is culpable; the system that created him must be examined and revised.Since Michael Moore’s film Fahrenheit 911 and the publication of Kevin Phillips Dynasty, many American’s are aware of the strong ties between the Saudi Royal family and the Bush family around oil. However, not as many know that there are also strong ties between the Pharmaceutical industry and the Bush family as well. George H.W. Bush sat on Lilly’s board of directors. Lilly gave $1.6 million dollars in campaign contributions during the 2000 election. 82 percent of this money went to Republicans and George W. Bush. And, Mr. Bush, or his advisor and brain Karl Rove, appointed one active and one former Lilly employee to important public positions. Sidney Taurel, Lilly’s CEO, was appointed to the Homeland Security Council (HSC), while Robert N. Postlehwait was appointed to the NFC. (Whitehead 2005) TMAPHere’s how the TMAP scheme works: administrative changes in Texas government made the University of Texas Medical Center (UTMC) a key mental health player in the state. UTMC was placed in charge of all public mental health, including the mental health of all state prisoners. The drug companies recognized this change and began to court the University, as well as mental health and correction personnel. They donated money to create TMAP and “educate” state providers about its benefits. There are also two or three drug lobbyists for every legislator in the state of Texas. So, in addition to influencing the university, mental health and corrections systems, the drug companies influenced the Texas legislature. When TMAP was officially adopted, Texas Medicaid, which insures public mental health patients, picked up the bill. It was nearly driven into bankruptcy by the expensive TMAP drugs.Again we see a Pharma pattern: relatively modest investments pay high returns: Pfizer contributed $232,000 to TMAP start up and, in return, Texas paid Pfizer $233 million in tax dollars for drugs like Zoloft. Johnson & Johnson (Janssen Pharmaceuticals) contributed $224,000 and collected $272 million for Risperdal. Eli Lilly had the biggest jackpot; it gave only $109,000 and collected $328 million for Zyprexa. As the Governor of Texas, George W. Bush had oversight on this process. (Pringle 2005)The drugs on the TMAP list are hundreds of times more expensive than the older typical antipsychotics and antidepressants, which are now “generic” drugs because their patents have expired. For example, the typical antipsychotic Haldol, which is off patent, costs around 8 cents per pill, or about $2.40 per month, while the atypical Zyprexa, which is still under patent to Eli Lilly, costs $8 per pill or about $240 per month. (Whitehead 2005)Texas Medicaid picked up the huge tab for TMAP drugs in that state because the expert consensus process presented itself as “scientific.” But it was pseudo-science. In fact, the CATIE studies recently completed by NIMH show that the older drugs are as effective, cheaper, and safer than the new drugs on TMAP. It is interesting to note that every drug on TMAP now bears a “black box’ warning label mandated by the FDA.Hey ho, nobody home! With Governor Bush supporting the TMAP, and with key experts and the legislature in its pocket, there was virtually no oversight for the project. (Whitehead 2005) The scheme worked so well that drug companies began exporting it to other states and even other countries.PENNMAPCharles Currie’s name is not a household word, but it should be. He was in charge of the Pennsylvania mental health system at the time TMAP was brought into that state from Texas. He gave final approval for adoption of TMAP in Pennsylvania, where it is known as PennMap; and he supervised the people who set up illegal “off book” accounts for the drug industry bribes to Pennsylvania officials that lubricated the process. Soon thereafter, President Bush (or Karl Rove) appointed Currie head of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - - perhaps as a reward for his good work on PennMap. Once at SAMHSA, Currie began vigorously promoting TMAP, TeenScreen, and other NFC recommendations. (Whitehead 2005) For example, in July 2005, a SAMHSA press release announced its sponsorship of the Federal Mental Health Action Agenda (FMHAA). FMHAA is a coalition of six cabinet level departments, including Health and Human Services, Justice, Housing and Urban Development, and represents a major effort to fast track implementation of NFC recommendations, including TeenScreen and TMAP. FMHAA adds the authority and prestige of SAMHSA and six cabinet level departments to the already prestigious NFC. This unprecedented cabinet level coalition was launched in the face of growing evidence that the screening and medicating recommendations are neither safe nor effective.The creators of TMAP claim they used scientific evidence to establish the safety and effectiveness of the drugs on their list. However, Allen Jones a former investigator for the Pennsylvania Office of the Investigator General (OIG) disputes this claim, “It has been revealed that TMAP personnel may have tampered with the research results through a process known as ‘Retrospective Analysis.’ Patients who had previously been treated with the new medications were researched, and files showing positive results were selected [out] and reported on. Unsurprisingly, TMAP research ‘confirmed’ that the new drugs were safer and more effective than the older treatments. Ignoring contrary findings, TMAP employees referred to their algorithm as being ‘Evidence-Based Best Practices.’ [But] Dr. Peter J. Weiden, a member of the project’s expert consensus, stated that the guidelines promoted by the program are based on ‘opinions, not data’ and that ‘most of the guideline’s authors have received [financial] support from the pharmaceutical industry.” (Whitehead 2005) TMAP drugs were selected by an “expert consensus process;’ a process that, as we have already seen, can easily be rigged to promote special interests. “A project management team tied to the [drug] industry selected other doctors whose opinions were then analyzed or accessed by TMAP. They determined from that process that these drugs were safer and more effective, and that became their mantra. But they used pseudo-science. And of the 55 doctors pooled for the first schizophrenia consensus, 27 had [financial] ties to the pharmaceutical industry.” (Whitehead 2005) NFC later named TMAP a “model program” despite its lack of scientific rigor. Let’s examine the safety and efficacy of the TMAP drugs in more detail.Robert Whitaker recently published evidence that, at best, antipsychotic drugs temporarily reduce psychiatric symptoms in the short term, but in the long term they shatter the mental and physical health of those persons who take them. Furthermore, he shows that that the death rate of patients on the newer TMAP drugs, the atypical antipsychotics like Eli Lilly’s Zyprexa, is double that of patients taking the older, cheaper typical antipsychotics, like Haldol. (Whitaker 2005) The suicide rate for treated schizophrenic persons has increased 20-fold since the introduction of psychiatric drugs. (Healy 2006) Weight gains of 240 pounds or more and a higher incidence of diabetes has been documented with the use of these drugs. (Whitehead 2005) “The uncontrolled movements caused by the older drugs were ‘less troubling than the potentially fatal metabolic problems’ associated with some of the newer drugs.”(Vedantam 2005; emphasis added) David Healy (2002) describes the danger this way, “The rhetoric of modern drug development is powerful enough to blind clinicians to preventable deaths and obscure the fact that the life expectancies of their patients are falling rather than rising.” You may remember Healy as the British researcher who blew the whistle on the use of SSRI’s in children when the FDA failed to do so.Let me summarize the situation: 1) the NFC was created as part of Laurie Flynn Pharma agenda. 2) TMAP, created under George W. Bush’s tenure as governor of Texas, is a list of expensive, ineffective and dangerous drugs. 3) despite its political/pharmaceutical birth, TMAP is presented as “scientific” and a “model” program and that has the support of President Bush’s NFC. 4) TMAP drugs have all been shown to be no more effective than older, cheaper drugs and they are far more dangerous than those older drugs. 5) TeenScreen has no scientific validity (it has high levels of false positives, for example). 6) TeenScreen has a record of flagrantly bypassing parental consent in screening children. 7) Children shown to be at risk by the TeenScreen program would be referred to a standard of treatment that is highly likely to use the dangerous TMAP drugs.Is this the best US public mental health policy has to offer?TeenScreen and TMAP represent naked drug company greed. Even before these NFC recommendations were made there were 15 million Americans on Zyprexa (7.4 million) and Risperdal (7.6 million) alone in 2002. Sales of atypical antipsychotic drugs reached $6.4 billion, making them the fourth best selling class of drugs in America. “The combined sales of antidepressants and antipsychotics jumped from around $500 million in 1986 to nearly $20 billion in 2004 - - a 40-fold increase.” (Whitaker 2004 & 2005) Yet, apparently this kind of growth is not enough for Pharma. A public mental health policy to screen children and get more of them on atypical antipsychotics is also required.Gadsden can only be smiling as he looks down from CEO Heaven.American psychiatry maintains that “schizophrenia” is a chemical imbalance in the brain, despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence to support this theory. It also ignores existing evidence that schizophrenia might have social causes and treatments. For example, WHO research shows that recovery from schizophrenia in industrializing countries, like India and Nigeria, is holding steady at 49-51%, while it is only 11% in industrialized countries, like Denmark and the US. This led WHO researcher Jablensky et al to conclude, “Being in a developed country was a strong predictor of not attaining complete remission.” (Richporte-Haley 1998) Furthermore, recovery rates for schizophrenia in Western countries have been falling most sharply since the introduction of antipsychotic drugs fifty years ago. (Richporte-Haley 1998; Whitaker 2002 & 2005a&b) Allen Jones contends that the TeenScreen program is “designed to diagnose mental illness in teenagers…[but] has been shown to be coercive and unreliable. It serves the same political/pharmaceutical alliance that generated the Texas project [and is] behind the New Freedom Commission.” Using TeenScreen, this alliance is “poised to consolidate the TMAP effort into a comprehensive national policy…with expensive, patented medications of questionable benefit and deadly side effects.” (Whitehead 2005)TeenScreen: Introducing Children to Life-Long Use of Psychiatric DrugsJust as Pharma subsidized bone density tests in osteoporosis, so it is behind the promotion of TeenScreen as the mental health-screening tool of public mental health policy. TeenScreen is a nonprofit organization, housed at Columbia University - - an interesting arrangement that gives TeenScreen an air of academic respectability it does not deserve. Let’s follow the money.Laurie Flynn is CEO of TeenScreen. Before joining Columbia, Laurie Flynn was CEO of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI); for 16 years Pharma paid her salary. NAMI is Pharma’s number one grassroots front group and is committed to promoting and selling as many drugs as possible. So, before joining Columbia, “Laurie Flynn was the leading drug pusher in the United States.” During Flynn’s tenure, in the three-year period from 1996-1999 NAMI received $11.72 million from 18 different drug companies. (Pringle 2005a)Eli Lilly contributed more than other companies ($2.78 million); most of this money went to NAMI’s “Campaign to End Discrimination” against the mentally ill. This is nothing but “a marketing scheme aimed at forcing insurance companies and government health care programs to quit ‘discriminating’ against [Pharma’s] mentally ill customers, and pay for all the pills they want to sell to the steady stream of customers they plan to recruit with mass mental health screening projects like TeenScreen.” (Pringle 2005b)TeenScreen plays on fears of teen suicide, just as Fosamax plays on the fears of broken hip bones; mental health screening is hyped as a prevention program that can reduce teen suicide by identifying and “treating” teens at risk. However, a US Preventive Services Task Force report found no evidence that screening reduces suicide attempts or mortality, and that existing screening tools do not accurately identify suicide risk. In addition, the screenings take place at school, often bypassing parental consent. (Pringle 2005d) The TMAP antidepressant drugs, which have been billed as miraculous treatment for depression, do not live up to their hype. They have been shown to increase suicidal thoughts and behavior in children. Their use with children is banned in the United Kingdom. However in the US they have only an FDA “blackbox warning label,” and are not banned with children. Finally, if these drugs were really effective, one would expect to find a significant reduction in suicide rates following their introduction. This is not the case. (Berenson 2005) Which is to say, the SSRI’s listed on TMAP offer no benefit over sugar pills; simple physical exercise is as effective, with better long-term results, than the drugs. In sum, the SSRI’s provide very little benefit for the very high risks associated with their use. (Abramson 2004).TeenScreen uses a 52 question, computerized, self-administered test that takes just 10 minutes to complete. This screening tool allegedly identifies at least six mental disorders, including “social phobia, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, major depression, alcohol and drug abuse and suicidality.” Here is a sample question: In the last year, has there been a time:1) When nothing was fun for you and you just weren’t interested in anything?2) When you couldn’t think as clearly or as fast as usual?3) Have you often felt nervous or uncomfortable when you have been with a group of children or young people - - say, like in the lunchroom at school or a party?What normal young person has not felt one or all of these things in a given year? Kids who answer yes to even some questions will be referred to a psychiatrist, opened to the diagnosis of mental illness, and “treated” with prescribed drugs. (Pringle 2005b) This process can stigmatize them and change their lives forever. Meanwhile, the message being sent is that anytime you don’t like how you feel, think, or act, all you have to do is take a pill. The questions also appear to be carefully crafted to introduce self-doubt about one’s normalcy; merely taking the screening exam introduces ideas that can erode normal coping ability. How many American children will begin careers as mental patients through this process?THE TRUE ORIGIN OF THE NEW FREEDOM COMMISSIONThis is a report of a speech given by Laurie Flynn (TeenScreen & NAMI) in 2004:At the 2004 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry's (AACAP) annual meeting, Laurie Flynn made an eye-opening statement while giving a presentation on TeenScreen. She admitted her own covert role in creating the NFC by inserting a few words into Bush's campaign speech prior to his election. Once Bush was "on the record" that he would form a commission, Flynn and others coerced President Bush into keeping that "promise." In the same presentation, she said that Hogan's appointment as the chair of the NFC was "not entirely by accident."Flynn stated: " of the things that we did here was to build on President Bush, not a major promoter of these kinds of initiatives, but to build on actually an opportunity that came to me while I was still at NAMI. I had worked for many years with Senator Pete Domenici and Paul Wellstone around the parity issue. And Senator Domenici hosted Candidate Bush, in New Mexico, where Candidate Bush declared his support for parity. This was as far as we could tell the last time that he has supported parity, - [laughter] - but he supported it that day in Albuquerque in front of the media, and I was one of a couple of people invited to add some remarks to his speech. And I was able, with a colleague, whose idea it was, it wasn't even my idea, in fact, I tried to talk him out of it, I'll confess, I said to him, ‘What the heck good is a Commission?" He was, at that time, Commissioner of Mental Health in Virginia and said, ‘Listen, they have, ya know, beat me up with Commissions in Virginia, this could be good!'. So, we put into this speech, and it survived the edit process, a line that Candidate Bush spoke, ‘And if I'm elected, I will convene a Commission, to look at why our public sector and our mental health system are not able to do the job our citizens deserve,' or some such....anyways, he said ‘I'm havin' a Commission'. We had him on the record, once he was elected it took awhile, alot of r-e-m-i-n-d-e-r-s had to come to him that he had said this, we had to keep pushing this message and ultimately Senator Dominici had to r-e-m-i-n-d him that he had promised this. But indeed, a Commission was convened..."PR AND MARKETING ARE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE In 2002, TeenScreen hired the PR firm Rabin Strategic Partners to make sure that every teen in the US has access to this free mental health check-up. This alliance has been frighteningly effective. Rabin provided TeenScreen with a “ten-year strategy including the marketing, public policy and funding steps…and hired and managed public relations, lobbying and advertising to implement the plan.” Rabin added proudly, “now on a daily basis, we track the media and political landscape to make sure the plan meshes with the current environment.” ( website) This kind of work is expensive; who is paying for it?Rabin’s strategy is paying off; a 2004 progress report stated, “[Screening] programs are now established in 100 communities in 34 states. 19 national groups have endorsed…the screening of youth. There is a waiting list of 250 communities interested in screening programs. There are three relevant bills pending in Congress and six state governments are working on plans to spread screening programs statewide.” (Pringle 2005b) This is astounding progress after only two years public relations work.SAMHSA BACKS AWAY FROM TEENSCREEN AND TMAPOn October 17, 2005 a meeting took place between Charles Currie, the head of SAMHSA and several advocacy groups, including the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) and the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (ICSPP). Charles Currie backed away from both TeenScreen and TMAP saying, “TeenScreen is not a model program nor is it or any other screening program mentioned anywhere in the Federal Mental Health Action Agenda…[and it] does not support medication algorithms.” Currie added, “The New Freedom Commission is not the official position of the Bush Administration.”On one hand Currie’s statements are evidence that the voices of watchdog organizations critical of TeenScreen and TMAP are being heard; the Bush administration appears to be backing away from its public support of the NFC itself. However, SAMHSA funding patterns continue to support the NFC recommendations: “Unless SAMHSA actually stops funding grants that include screening and TMAP style treatment and the Bush administration puts out some sort of statement to the states that it does not recommend either of these, Currie’s statement is merely symbolic. Congress appropriated $20 million…to implement the NFC recommendations including screening in the current physical year and the US House has passed $26 millions for the same grants this year, so we will definitely be seeing more state legislation and more state plans to do screening. [Meanwhile] SAMHSA, HHS, and the Departments of Education and Justice are still currently funding grants that include mental health screening.” (AHRP 2005)CHOICESDo we really want to adopt a public mental health policy that exposes anyone, adult or child, to the high risk of harm caused by these drugs for little or no short term health benefits - - and at such a huge cost to American taxpayers? Only the drug companies will benefit from such public policy. Can we really feel safe when our federal and state governments are so strongly influenced by Pharma money?THE WISDOM OTHER CULTURES: Where profit prevails, ritual fails.My own work is a synthesis strategic therapy developed by Jay Haley and Cloe Madanes, and symbolic anthropology developed by Victor and Edith Turner. Western cultures specialize in studying things and individuals - - especially the biological interior of individuals. Other cultures specialize in symbolism and social relationships. To paraphrase John McKnight, cultural wisdom is embodied in stories, not studies. We have a lot to learn from these cultures. African cultures offer an especially rich body of knowledge.The Turner’s studied Ndembu ritual in Africa in 1952. (Turner, V. 1967) After Victor’s death in 1980 Edie returned to do a 30-year restudy of the Ndembu. (Turner, E. 1995) In 1996 she told me, “Their rituals have gotten better. They cure more people.” This surprised me and I asked, “How have they managed that?” “In 1952,” she said, “they tried to cure everything with ritual. Now they have learned to send the ‘TB cases’ to the hospital and cure everything else with ritual.” I shook my head and laughed as I replied, “During that same time we began sending everyone to the hospital for everything.”How have the Ndembu managed to emphasize the important distinction between medicine and ritual while we blurred that boundary? Like most Africans, they are poor, so pharmaceutical interests have not medicalized them. In the absence of market pressures the Ndembu developed a balanced approach to healing that recognizes the medical and the social needs of human beings.Like the Ndembu, we must restore a proper balance between medicine and ritual. The drug companies would like us to believe that “you can’t talk to disease.” I counter that, “you can’t medicate meaning.” As human beings we create meaning only in relationship to one another. Rediscovering ritual means rediscovering our capacity to build, maintain and repair strong relationships. There are no short cuts in this process - - not even through the promised land of medical miracles.Meanwhile, let me leave you with these thoughts: the pharmaceutical corporations have vast resources, which they will surely use to exploit the findings of the genome project. (Healy 2002; Black 2005) Based on the Pharma behavior outlined above, which can only be characterized as ruthless, what do you think we should expect from Gadsden’s gang as it develops the first generation of biogenetic pharmaceuticals?If we can’t keep ourselves safe and free, how will we insure these rights for our children?

Thursday, May 18, 2006


The Steps of Drug Intervention

1. Stop all “rescue missions.” Family members often try to protect an abuser from the results of their behaviour by making excuses to others about their abuse problem and by getting them out of drug-related jams. It is important to stop all such rescue attempts immediately, so that the addict will fully experience the harmful effects of his use and thereby become more motivated to stop.

2. Don’t enable them. Sometimes family members feel sorry for the addict or tend to avoid the abuser; let them come and go as they please. This comes across to the abuser as a reward—after all, all he wants is to be left alone. Be careful not to reward by paying his bills, bailing him out of jail, letting him stay for free, etc. This kind of reward creates out of exchange and criminal behaviour.

3. Time your drug abuse intervention. If possible, plan to talk with the addict when he is straight. After a binge and before the next if possible, choose a time when all of you are in a calm frame of mind and when you can speak privately.

4. Be specific. Tell the family member that you are concerned about his drug or alcohol abuse and want to be supportive in getting help. Back up your concern with examples of the ways in which their drug abuse has caused problems for you, including any recent incidents. Many addicts believe they are hurting no one but themselves.

5. State the consequences. Tell the family member that until he gets help, you will carry out consequences—not to punish the drug abuser, but to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the abuse. These may range from refusing to be with the person when they are under the influence, to ending all financial help including having them move out of the house. DO NOT make any threats you are not prepared to carry out. The basic intention is to make the abuser’s life more uncomfortable if he continues using drugs than it would be for him to get help. It is alright to keep loving them but you MUST stop loving them to death !

6. Find strength in numbers with the help of family members, relatives and friends to confront the abuser as a group. However, you want to choose one person to be the initial spokesperson, then take turns It will be much more effective for the others to simply be there nodding their heads, than it would be for everyone to talk at once and “gang up on him.” Remember the idea is to make it safe for him to come clean and seek help. Each family member takes a turn asking at the end "will you go to treatment today ? "

7. Listen. If during your drug abuse intervention the abuser begins asking questions like; Where would I have to go? For how long? This is a sign that he is reaching for help. Do not directly answer these questions. Let the interventionist handle these questions . Support him. Don’t wait. Once you’ve gotten his agreement, the interventionist will accompany him immediately to the program you have choosen,therefore, you should have a bag packed for him, any travel arrangements made, and prior acceptance into a Drug Rehab program.

For an Intervention profesional in your area call 800-419-HELP

Who Do You Believe ?

While the Drug Policy Alliance continues to promote the "benefits" of drug use, they also attack our government's efforts to curb marijuana use. And I quote from their web site: "It's bad enough that the government is wasting your money on stupid anti-marijuana commercials. It's even worse that these commercials are backfiring." It is no wonder the DPA attacks something that works! According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) ---"Researchers have demonstrated that television public service announcements (PSAs) designed for and targeted to specific teen personality-types can significantly reduce their marijuana use. In a study published in the February 2001 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, researchers report that PSAs with an anti-marijuana use message resulted in at least a 26.7 percent drop in the use of that drug among the targeted teen population." [News Release on the National Institute on Drug Abuse web site, January 31, 2001]The 2003 Monitoring the Future Study revealed an 11% decrease in Marijuana use. And our ground-breaking video - Marijuana The Myth - is now in well over 3,000 public schools, with rave reviews pouring in from teachers and students nationwide. So what does all this mean? If you "buy" the Drug Policy Alliance's propaganda, you'd think that nothing works. Some people may even start believing in the DPA's philosophy, which is "They're going to use [drugs] anyway, so why not teach them to use safely and responsibly?". We know there is NO such thing as "safe" drug use! And we believe in helping our caring teachers out there who really need help helping their students. Our own studies show that when kids get the truth about drugs, in a way they can understand and relate to, they have a positive change in attitude and no desire for drugs. We have over 40 years of experience in drug rehabilitation and education, we know what we're talking about.As to the marijuana issue? - Marijuana The Myth dispels the many falsehoods associated with this drug. If you have any concern at all about marijuana or want to ensure your family has the correct information, then you need to get this DVD. You will even find out exactly what drugs such as "pot" do to the body. This is new information even to the teachers who show our video in schools. Whether you need to get a DVD for yourself or for a friend or loved one, do that now and make sure they don't fall prey to the deceptive lies such as those issued by the Drug Policy Alliance. We need to get the real truth about drugs out to the public at large. I believe in the old saying "The truth shall set you free".
To order this video or others go to
or call 800-419-HELP