Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Narconon Success Peter H

I completely destroyed everything I was working for.
My name is Peter H. and I am a Narconon Graduate. I have been clean and sober now for over 4 years. I owe all of my success to the Narconon program.I first started drinking alcohol and smoking pot when I was 14 years old, this was over 34 years ago. By the time I was 16 I had tried LSD, speed, crystal "T" < MDA, mushrooms, peyote, angel dust and cocaine. Throughout my life I went in and out of drug binges. When I was 19 I was heavily into the cocaine sceneof the late 70's snorting close to two grams per day and almost died because of it. In 1980 I moved to Colorado and lived in a major ski resort, where there was basically a party going round the clock. IN this atmosphere it was impossible to create any kind of productive life. I got out of there and settled down a bit and started a thriving construction company outside of Denver. Life was great.Then my old friend "addiction" knocked at my door and at the age of 40 I was hopelessly strung out on heroin. My life was put into a downward spiral and completely destroyed everything I ever worked towards. I spent over $160,000 on heroin and cocaine in one year and burned all of my bridges in regards to my business relations.At age 45 I was homeless, penniless, and almost dead. I received a call from a Narconon Counselor and after he explained Narconon's natural drug free program, I was sold. I arrived at Narconon Arrowhead in August 2004, and from the time I was picked up at the airport to the day I graduated the program and every staff member I came in contact with was friendly and really truly wanted to help me.After I completed the sauna portion of the program I was clear headed again, I was sleeping through the night and had no drug cravings whatsoever. After completing the entire program I had a whole new outlook on life and knew without a doubt that I can live my life without escaping back into the sick workld of using drugs. After two and a half years of being clean I can truly say that I am back and feel incredible. Thank you Narconon for SAVING MY LIFE!
Peter H.


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